Marc Swenson - January 12, 2025
Let Go and Let God
From Series: "Christian Cliches that need to go"
Cliches. They’re everywhere. We see them on bumper stickers and signs. “The grass is always greener on the other side.” “Every cloud has a silver lining.” “All’s well that ends well.” “Time heals all wounds.” These and others sound good and true. But are they? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. But what about Christian cliches? Are they biblical or not? This series will deconstruct some of the most common Christian cliches. “God helps those who help themselves.” “Let go and let God.” “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” “I’ll pray for you.” “Everything happens for a reason.” “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” And, “Just forgive and forget.” You won’t want to miss a week of this new series.