Mission, Beliefs & Values
Our Mission
To glorify God by following Jesus, loving God and others, and sharing the Gospel.
We believe that…
- The Bible is God’s inspired Word and constitutes the only perfect rule and final authority in all matters pertaining to Christian faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 1:19-21)
- There is only one living and true God who eternally exists in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – who are equal in their divine perfection. (Psalm 90:2; Matthew 28:19; John 14:16,17)
- Man was created by a special act of God in the image of God for the purpose of glorifying God. (Genesis 1:27; Acts 17:24-28)
- Man yielded to the enticement of Satan and became alienated from God. (Genesis 3:6-19; Romans 3:10-12, 5:12)
- God so loved the world that He provided salvation for man through Jesus Christ who voluntarily offered Himself on Calvary as a perfect sacrifice for man’s sin and established a new covenant between God and man. (John 3:16,17; Luke 22:20; Galatians 3:13; 1 Timothy 2:5-6)
- Jesus Christ rose bodily from the grave. He ascended into Heaven, He acts there now as our mediator and He will return as King. (Luke 24:36-43; John 20:10-31; 1 Timothy 2:5; Revelation 1:7, 22:12-14)
- Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary: thus, He is true God and true man. (Luke 1:27, 31, 35; Galatians 4:4)
- Faith in Jesus Christ is nurtured by the Holy Spirit and is essential to receiving God’s free gift of salvation. (John 16:13-15; Acts 2:38; Romans 10:9; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 John 1:9)
- Each individual is free to follow Jesus Christ according to his or her conscience under the authority of the Scriptures. (Romans 14:3-12; Matthew 7:1-5; 25:31-46)
- Salvation comes only by the grace of God. (Romans 3:23-24; Ephesians 2:1-10)
- God commands His people to evangelize their world by sharing the good news of salvation. (Ezekiel 3:17-19; Matthew 28:18-20)
Our core values are…
Core Values are standards, qualities or characteristics which define who we are as a church. They are used to shape decisions, policies, relationships, systems and structures.
Glorifying Jesus:
We are Christ-centered. Everything begins and ends with Him. Salvation, identity, purpose, and life change flow from loving, following, and obeying Him.
Praying Dependently:
Through prayer, we draw near to God, seek His direction for our church, and receive strength for life and ministry. In prayer, the Holy Spirit empowers us to do the will and work of God.
Living biblically:
God speaks through his Word to change lives! Consistent prayer, reading, studying and teaching the Bible transforms our thoughts, actions, and ministry.
Growing together:
Life change happens as we study God’s Word in community and help each other live it out.
Healing brokenness:
Jesus came for the hurting and humbled. We follow His example of bringing healing and wholeness one life at a time.
Reaching out:
People who are far from God matter to Him and to us. Having experienced God’s grace, we reach others with the love of Christ wherever we live, work, and play.
Serving generously:
Having received every spiritual blessing in Christ, we delight in sharing our spiritual gifts, finances, time, and energies to build up the church and care for those around us.