Family Ministries
Parents: The Primary Disciple Makers
Our goal is to help parents become the primary faith trainers of their kids. We hope to see families worship together and have kids/students fully engage in the life of our church. We help bridge the gap between church and home so kids/students will be fully devoted followers of Jesus.
On Sunday mornings, we use D6 Curriculum for grades K-6. D6 stands for Deuteronomy 6, where older generations are called to pass on their faith to younger ones. D6 curriculum covers the whole Bible over the course of 6 years and allows all age groups to go through the same material at the same time.
Sunday Morning Schedule
Summer Schedule
9:00 Worship Service & Sunday School for All Ages
- Infants –grade 6 located in Kids’ Wing
- Students in 7th and 8th grade – class in Room E/F
- The Gathering: A Community of the Word for students in 9th grade through adults in Room C/D
10:30 Worship Service (Kids’ classes through 4th grade)
- Infants – Preschool: Care and Programming available for the entire hour in Kids’ Wing
- Grades K – 4: Kids are dismissed from service after music worship for programming in the Kids’ Wing
- Students in grades 5-12 worship with the families during this service
Summer Schedule
9:00 Worship Service
- Infants –grade 4 located in Kids’ Wing
- Question Cafe for grades 5-8 – class in Room E/F (through July 28)
- Students in grades 9-12 worship with their families during this service
10:30 Worship Service
- Infants – Preschool: Care and Programming available for the entire hour in Kids’ Wing
- Grades K – 4: Kids are dismissed from service after music worship for programming in the Kids’ Wing
- Students in grades 5-12 worship with their families during this service