30 Hours Around the World

November 17-18

On November 17 and 18, the FCCO youth group is partnering with the Global Outreach team to host a fun and educational experience called, “30 Hours Across the World”, which will focus on people who experience chronic food shortages. The hope is that we will all grow in compassion and a greater desire to help those in need both around the world and here locally. Adult chaperones and students will begin fasting at 12:00 noon on Friday, and the fast will be broken at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday with a meal around a fire. Students will enjoy fun games, hearing from FCCO missionaries, and rewarding service projects. There will also be a fundraising component; the proceeds will support the Bethany Project, which sponsors children in dire need in Haiti.

We will begin checking in participants for the event at 6:30 PM on Friday the 17th in Cafe 58. To check in you will need your filled-out permission slip, consent form and your child’s filled-out fundraising packet. Registration, Permission slipconsent form, and online fundraising information can be found on our website.

In addition to your paperwork you will need the typical items for an overnight: sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, clothes, pajamas, etc. Please plan on packing a set of clothes that can get dirty for our service projects on Saturday. Students will also need to bring a pen, notebook and a Bible. After checking in, students will bring their stuff to the adult wing of the Family Life Center where they will be housed, in gender specific rooms, for the evening.

Friday night will be filled with great games, lessons and lots of juice. Saturday will be jam packed with service projects, lessons, games and more juice. Students will be on campus for part of the day and out around Ossipee for the service projects. The day will culminate with a celebratory break-your-fast meal where we will be able to share all that God did at the famine.

There will be at least four leaders on site for the duration of the famine with more helping out during the days. Students are asked to keep cellphones and other electronics at home as they can be a distraction from the goal of the famine. Cameras are allowed.

To keep participants hydrated, each person is asked to bring two bottles of fruit juice. Also, if you would like to help with our break-the-fast meal on Saturday night please contact me. The meal will be at 6 PM on Saturday evening. The event is finished and students are free to leave after the break-your-fast meal around 7 PM.

I look forward to seeing God work in great ways at this event. Please join me in praying for a successful event all around. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Joel Gill.

Please note, photos and/or videos may be taken at this event and used in emails, our website, and social media. Please see our Photo Policy for more information.

Due to the upcoming storm, Wednesday evening groups and classes have been canceled. Life's Healing Choices will begin April 10.