Trunk-or-Treat is an outreach to our community where we welcome families onto our campus for a fun, safe evening. There will be seasonally decorated cars with trunks open with prepackaged and sealed candy. While visitors make their way through our Trunk-or-Treat zone to collect candy they will enjoy music, apple cider, and popcorn.
We are excited to host this community event for the 12th year! This is something EVERYONE can be part of! We need FCCO attenders to bring their decorated cars, a smiling face, and lots of candy to pass out to the children as they walk through. Other volunteer jobs include setup, cleanup, photography, parking, security, food, and our new prayer tent.
There are collection bins in the atrium for individually wrapped candy to be donated for this event. Money donations can be placed in the offering with a note explaining what it is for or online.