Meet Our Global Partners

Jonathan & Monica

Undisclosed Agency

  • training Latin Americans to work among unreached/under-reached people globally (10/40 Window)
  • Director of a national alliance for the nation’s unreached people
  • training workers at a conference center/camp to go to unreached populations in the 10/40 Window
  • reaching youth and impacting lives through church programs

Prayer Points

  • for effective training of candidates going to North Africa and Asia this year
  • God’s blessing in reaching youth
  • traveling safety, visas, finances, wisdom for North Africa, Asia, and US
  • for knowing God more deeply and showing His love to others

To receive updates and commit to praying regularly for this global partner, please contact:

On Sunday, February 9, there will be one service only at 10:30 am (in-person & online).

The Beast Feast has been postponed to Thursday, August 1, from 5:00-8:30 pm!

Due to the upcoming storm, Wednesday evening groups and classes have been canceled. Life's Healing Choices will begin April 10.