Forty years ago, Jack Dominian, founder of the Marriage Research Council, said this of marriage. “The name remains the same but its inner world is changing from being primarily a permanent contract, in which the children and their welfare were its main concern, to a relationship intended to be permanent, in which companionship, equity and personal fulfillment are becoming just as important as the welfare of children.” Since that time, culture’s definition of marriage has continued to be redefined, setting aside permanence and the welfare of the family altogether. This Sunday, we will rediscover God’s original design for marriage and encounter the fullness of God’s good gift. Join us as we reset our understanding of marriage from God’s perspective.
This series is about resetting our lives to God’s purpose and plan for us. We’ll look at areas such as family, friendships, finances, fellowship, fitness, and forgiveness. We’ll start with a call to focus—that is, reset our devotion to God.