Study: Life’s Healing Choices
Dates: Begins March 5, 2025
Time: Wednesday evenings, 6:30 pm
Contacts: Sue Bolton 
                  Steve & Gail Johnson
Location: Dining Room
We’ve all been hurt by other people, we’ve hurt ourselves, and we’ve hurt others. And as a result, every single one of us ends up with some sort of hurt, hang-up, or habit. But the question we all face is, “Where do we go from here?” Life’s Healing Choices 8-week DVD series taught by Pastor Rick Warren offers real answers and real hope for healing. It is based on the Beatitudes as preached by Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount. After each lesson will we break into smaller discussion groups—men with men and women with women. Childcare is available!

At FCCO, our mission is to glorify God by following Jesus, loving God and others, and sharing the gospel. The Roots series has been created to help us live this out. Roots has two tracks of short-term classes. The Discipleship Track takes place Sunday mornings at 10:00, helping newer believers lay a foundation of faith. This track offers Starting Point, Survey of the Bible, and Purpose Driven Life. The Christian Living Track takes place Wednesday nights at 6:30 and helps believers tackle everyday issues. This track offers Financial Peace Univerity, Life’s Healing Choices, and SHAPE. One course from each track will be offered in the fall, winter, and spring. 

The Beast Feast has been postponed to Thursday, August 1, from 5:00-8:30 pm!

Due to the upcoming storm, Wednesday evening groups and classes have been canceled. Life's Healing Choices will begin April 10.