
Deacon of Hospitality & Food

The Role of Deacons

The biblical role of deacons is to take care of the physical and logistical needs of the church so that the elders can concentrate on their primary calling to shepherd, feed, protect and lead the flock. This distinction is based on Acts 6:1-6 where the “seven” were chosen to administer benevolence so that the apostles could concentrate on prayer and the ministry of the Word.

Qualifications of Deacons

To be eligible for this office, the prospective deacon must have been a member of this church for at least one year and must consistently seek to meet the following qualifications given in 1 Timothy 3:8-12. These qualifications focus on character and are very similar to those given for elders. 

  1. Deacons must be worthy of respect (vs. 8)
  2. Not double-tongued, or devious (vs. 8)
  3. Not addicted to much wine (vs. 8)
  4. Not greedy for dishonest gain (vs. 8)
  5. They must hold to the truths of the faith with a clear conscience (vs. 9)
  6. They must first be tested and found to be blameless (vs. 10)
  7. If married, deacons must be faithful to their spouse (vs 12)
  8. Deacons must manage their children and household well (12)

On Sunday, February 9, there will be one service only at 10:30 am (in-person & online).

The Beast Feast has been postponed to Thursday, August 1, from 5:00-8:30 pm!

Due to the upcoming storm, Wednesday evening groups and classes have been canceled. Life's Healing Choices will begin April 10.