
Sermon: “Everything Happens for a Reason” from Marc Swenson

A sermon from the series “Christian Cliches that need to go.” Houses destroyed by hurricanes, diseases that take our loved ones, car accidents, lost jobs… the cliché “everything happens for a reason” doesn’t do justice to the pain involved in these situations, and yet that seems to be the ‘go to’ phrase for so many. This Sunday we will unpack why this phrase is inadequate and come to understand a better response in the midst of suffering. Join us as we explore another cliché that needs to go (or at a minimum be used with caution).

Sermon: “Everything Happens for a Reason” from Marc Swenson Read More »

Sermon: “Just Forgive and Forget” from Dan Mitchum

A sermon from the series “Christian Cliches that need to go.” “Just forgive and forget.” If it were always that simple! Yes, we’re often quick to forgive, and the offense is easily erased from our minds. But some hurts are so deep they can’t be forgotten, and we can struggle to forgive the one who wounded us. Using the lens of Scripture, we’ll examine the cliché closely to determine what forgiveness is and is not and how we can forgive as God has forgiven us in Christ.

Sermon: “Just Forgive and Forget” from Dan Mitchum Read More »

Sermon: “God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle” from Dan Mitchum

A sermon from the series “Christian Cliches that need to go.” “I know you’re going through a tough time right now. You feel like you’re sinking. The burden seems too heavy. But you’re going to be all right. Remember, God never gives us more than we can handle.” Has a well-meaning Christian brother or sister ever attempted to reassure you with words like these? This cliche would be comforting if it were 100 percent true. But, at best, it’s only half true. Yes, the Bible promises God will never let us be tempted beyond our ability. But, when it comes to tests, trials, and troubles, God often gives us more than we can handle without relying on His strength and ever-present help. Join us tomorrow as we discover why this is one of God’s greatest gifts to us.

Sermon: “God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle” from Dan Mitchum Read More »

Sermon: “Let Go and Let God” from Marc Swenson

A sermon from the series “Christian Cliches that need to go.” Massages. Vacations. Eating out. The islands. Leisure. They all have one thing in common. We get to relax, decompress, and let others serve us. Could it be this is why the cliché, “Let go and let God” is so attractive? Join us as we find out the dangers of this cliché and a motto we might use instead to truly experience growth in our Christian lives!

Sermon: “Let Go and Let God” from Marc Swenson Read More »

Sermon: “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves” from Dan Mitchum

A sermon from the series “Christian Cliches that need to go.” A survey by the Barna Group, a Christian polling firm, found that more than eight in ten Americans think the Bible contains the verse “God helps those who help themselves.” In fact, more than half of the respondents were strongly convinced this is one of the major messages of Scripture. One big problem with that perception is that the Bible doesn’t contain such a verse! However, like all clichés, it does contain some truth. Today, we’ll discover who coined the cliché, what it gets right, and why it needs to go. Join us as we kick off this new series.

Sermon: “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves” from Dan Mitchum Read More »

Sermon: “Changes” from Joel Gill

A sermon from the series “Changes.” Greek philosopher Heraclitus observed that change is the only constant. As believers we follow an unchanging God with an unchanging Word, but that doesn’t mean we are to be unchanged. In fact Christ has come so that we wouldn’t remain the same; that we would change. Join us as we look at some of the ways God wants to change us to conform us into the image of Jesus Christ in the coming year.

Sermon: “Changes” from Joel Gill Read More »

Sermon: “Christmas Eve” from Marc Swenson

A sermon from the series “Emmanuel: God With Us.” By now, the tree is up, presents are wrapped, cookies and pies are baked, and if you’re lucky you’ve gotten in a Christmas movie or two. Have we forgotten anything? At times, the one thing we miss the most during this season is the very One this season is all about. Jesus! Join us for our candlelight Christmas Eve service as we remember the true meaning of Christmas and celebrate the birth of our newborn king.

Sermon: “Christmas Eve” from Marc Swenson Read More »

Sermon: “Love is With Us” from Dan Mitchum

A sermon from the series “Emmanuel: God With Us.” What is love? Our world offers thousands of differing definitions. As a result, the true nature of love has become diluted and distorted. But Advent brings us back to true love. “This is love: Not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” [1 John 4:10]. Today, we’ll rejoice in the gift of God’s love for us. And we’ll be challenged to love others as we’ve been so generously and sacrificially loved.

Sermon: “Love is With Us” from Dan Mitchum Read More »

Sermon: “Joy is With Us” from Dan Mitchum

A sermon from the series “Emmanuel: God With Us.” According to the FBI, approximately $76.7 million was stolen in home invasions last year. Some of the most stolen items were wallets and cash, clothing and furs, prescription drugs, electronics, jewelry, personal documents, and power tools. Sadly, less than 10 percent of that property ($6 million) was recovered.

The devil is a sinister supernatural thief. He couldn’t care less about taking our TVs or watches and rings. He’s after something far more valuable. He wants to steal our joy. But, according to Jesus, true joy can’t be taken from us. He said, “So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again; then you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” [John 16:22]

Today, we’ll hear Mary’s song, the first Christmas carol ever sung. It’s a song of joy from a young woman whose life was turned upside down. While her soul was initially greatly troubled, she was soon filled with a joy that transcended her circumstances.

Mary’s joy is our joy, too. That’s because her joy was found in God. The joy of the Lord is our strength!

Sermon: “Joy is With Us” from Dan Mitchum Read More »

Sermon: “Peace Is With Us” from Marc Swenson

A sermon from the series “Emmanuel: God With Us.” Nativities are set up all over the world with the quintessential Christmas scene of the shepherds, wise men, animals, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Throw in a little snow and hay and everything seems perfect! But that is far from the reality of the first Christmas. Exhaustion. Uncertainty. Inadequacy. Weakness. These words are more fitting for the night Jesus was born. Into this setting the angel announced, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” Join us Sunday as we discover how Jesus met them and meets us with His peace.

Sermon: “Peace Is With Us” from Marc Swenson Read More »

The Beast Feast has been postponed to Thursday, August 1, from 5:00-8:30 pm!

Due to the upcoming storm, Wednesday evening groups and classes have been canceled. Life's Healing Choices will begin April 10.