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CloseDan Mitchum - May 26, 2024
"But As For Me"
What does it mean to take something for granted? The dictionary defines it as valuing something or someone too lightly or expecting something to be given to us. We can take so many things for granted every day: the air we breathe, the power of electricity, the warmth of the sun, clean clothes to wear, and the love of family and friends. Micah lived at a time when God’s people took God for granted. They presumed upon God’s grace, promises, and patience. As they saw it, God was obligated to protect and provide for them regardless of how they lived or treated Him. To this, Micah declared, “But as for me, I am filled with power—with the Spirit of the Lord” [Micah 3:8a]. This isn’t a statement of pride or self-righteousness. It’s a bold profession of faith and devotion to the Lord amid a faithless culture. Tomorrow, Micah will urge us to do the same.
Scripture References: Micah 3:1-12
From Series: "The Book of Micah"
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Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with God
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