Dan Mitchum - January 15, 2023
Jesus Prays for God's People
Scripture References: John 17:6-19
From Series: "The Prayer of Prayers"
The prayer we call “The Lord’s Prayer” from Matthew 6 isn’t technically the Lord’s prayer. The prayer that begins, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…” is the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray. So, that prayer could better be referred to as “The Disciples’ Prayer.” The real Lord’s prayer—that is, the prayer Jesus personally prayed for us is found in John 17. There are four parts to this prayer: Jesus prays for God’s glory, Jesus prays for God’s people, Jesus prays for God’s church, and Jesus prays for God’s mission. In Jesus’ prayer, we see the depth of His love for us and His passion for His church. Join us as we hear Jesus pray the prayer of prayers!